Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Never", "Forever", "Maybe"

Well, if YOU read this, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about and likely get offended. But it's something I have to say. I have to get it out of my brain. I really do not understand the shelving of feelings. Is it like a card game? You have to hide what you're holding? Or is it something more devious?

According to the urban dictionary: "A Playa can be male or female and by definition be good at the game they play i.e. playing men or woman to get what they want. Keep in mind a playa does not actually have to be dating someone to be considered a player they must just have you hooked and wanting more."

That's a bit to digest, but basically, a person who is benefiting in some way and feeling nothing. At least that is my interpretation. Benefits come in a variety of elements whether they are sexual or material or both. I always believed a "playa" was someone pretending to be something they are not when in context of relationships that are not platonic. I know someone else who not only believes this as well, but has stated such verbatim.

Now, on to words the Merriam Webster actually defines. "Never" is: "1 : not ever : at no time 2 : not in any degree : not under any condition". Basically, full opposition. "Forever" is: "1 : for a limitless time 2 : at all times : continually". Or something that is infinitely so and describes complete continuance. There is only one word that describes "maybe"..."uncertainty". Sounds weak. I don't believe people are ever uncertain when it comes to whatever they feel or what choice they might make in any given circumstance. Uncertainty is mere politics. In the brain of the "uncertain" human, there is a definite decision. Maybe is a mask. In my opinion, instead of "maybe", there should be a "no" or nothing at all.

I am not angry though I am passionate. I use "never" and "forever" EVERYDAY. I do not hide behind the maybe mask. It just isn't in me to do so. I am an open book. That is why I lack full trust in anyone who does answer "maybe" to important questions. I know that anyone who contends they are not certain is fully certain of an opposing view or belief and has plans they do not wish to divulge.

The maybe people never live happy lives. And the argument of not caring whether one lives a happy life or not is a lie just in context. Happiness is what everyone strives for. When we are not happy, we complain. If you're uncertain, then MAYBE you should start small in your "never"s and "forever"s. I will NEVER lick a poisonous toad. Some scientific laws will remain FOREVER. Then you can move on to more important things like admitting who you are and being real, not some dumb ass PLAYA.

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